Spotlight on King's Health Partners Neurosciences

We shine a spotlight on the King's Health Partners Neurosciences Clinical Academic Partnership.

There are more than 600 neurological conditions. One in six people in the UK are living with one or more neurological conditions, with headache being the most common. Many neurological conditions are forecast to increase in prevalence and incidence, both as the population ages and as methods for treatment improve survival rates.
KHP Neuro spotlight graph

Many people who have a neurological condition experience a range of other disorders such as sleep, fatigue, pain, and cognitive difficulties. It is estimated that between 30-50% have an associated mental health issue.

KHP Neurosciences works to improve the health and wellbeing of those living with neurological conditions. We have one of the largest Regional Neurosciences Centres in England, and the second largest neuroscience academic department in the UK. 

Here are some of our highlights:

Neuro spotlight 2Neurorehabilitation – we are working across south east London to improve neurorehabilitation services, from the use of digital technology to support therapists, sharing of skills and knowledge, and wider projects to improve inpatient and community services. 

Mind & Body – we are improving pathways for people with functional neurological disorder (FND) by raising awareness of this condition to speed up diagnosis, developing a funding case to implement the national exemplar pathway across south east London, and delivering research trials to develop new treatments

We have also been running a pilot of an expanded multidisciplinary team in multiple sclerosisNeuro spotlight 3 to include neuropsychiatry and facilitate faster access for patients with complex mental health needs to this service. If successful, we would aim to roll this model out to other sub-specialties in neurology.

Giving patients a voice – we have established a Patient and Carer Advisory Group which has been instrumental in championing improved experience for people who need neurorehabilitation and developing an app to support patient quality of life.

Neuro spotlight 1Developing a research active workforce – evidence shows that research-active organisations deliver better outcomes for patients, so we are looking at ways to increase our number of clinical academics  and encourage more staff to be research active. More about our innovative research: