22 April 2020
We have launched a series of seminars where experts share their experiences and learnings on managing COVID-19 patients.
This series gives experts the opportunity to share their experiences managing COVID-19 patients. In the absence of fully established peer-reviewed data, experts from around the world are coming together to discuss their learnings and ask pressing questions.
Jimstan Periselneris, consultant respiratory physician at King’s College Hospital NHS Foundation Trust, launched the series and is the first to feature in a new series of presentations followed by time for questions.
In his presentation, Jimstan walks through the clinical course of the virus, including its stages and symptoms, before exploring some of the international, national and local data that provides some background on COVID-19. This includes confirmed cases of COVID-19 and some analysis of patient subgroups, looking at age, gender and BMI from Intensive Care National Audit and Research Centre (ICNARC) data.
Jimstan explores patterns in the data, including comparing COVID-19 patient subgroups with subgroups of viral pneumonia patients and provides local context.
The presentation offers insight into the COVID-19 response at King’s College Hospital NHS Foundation Trust, explaining key investigations and symptom relief carried out when patients are admitted, complications that may occur and the decision-making process around submission to intensive care.
Finally, Dr Periselneris discusses some of the key clinical trials that are taking place across our partnership, including the Gilead Remdesevir trial, for which King’s College Hospital NHS Foundation Trust was the first centre to be approved.
You can watch the full presentation, including the question and answer session, on the King’s Health Partners Learning Hub.
The seminars take place each Tuesday at 1pm (BST). The next is on 28 April with the presenter Prof Fabio Ciceri, Deputy Scientific Director Clinical Research, Head of Research, Director of Haematology Department, IRCSS San Raffaele Hospital, Milan, Italy. Prof Ciceri will give a talk titled “COVID-19 clinical and biological insights.”
The series will be recorded and made available on the King’s Health Partners Learning Hub, as one of the many COVID-19 resources King’s Health Partners staff and students can access anytime.