20 September 2023
A massive congratulations to Prof Prokar Dasgupta OBE, KHP Academic Surgery Professor of Surgery, who last week received the John Wickham Lifetime Achievement Award for contributions to robotic surgery.
The esteemed award was presented to Prof Dasgupta at the 20th Annual Meeting of the EAU Robotic Urology Section in Florence, 13-15 September 2023.
John Wickham was a pioneer of robotic surgery who together with Prof Brian Davies of Imperial College, developed and engineered the first robotic device in urological surgery named the PROBOT. John Wickham sadly passed in 2017 so to remember his outstanding work and support others who continue to follow on from the great strides he made, each year the John Wickham Lifetime Achievement Award honours surgeons who have made significant contributions to robotic surgery.
Prof Dasgupta shared this message in response to his win:
John Wickham was my hero. I am sure this sentiment echoes with many other robotic surgeons. To receive a beautifully engraved lifetime achievement award dedicated to him is a landmark achievement for our team who have strived for over 20 years to pioneer and excel in robotic surgery.
When asked about the event, Prof Dasgupta said:
ERUS23 in beautiful Florence was a big success. 800 eager delegates enjoyed live surgery, interacted with new surgical robots and attended a variety of courses to improve their skills.
To learn more about the KHP Academic Surgery programme, visit its webpages here.