Evaluation and impact

The Mind & Body programme has been running since 2016/17 and is committed to delivering joined-up mental and physical healthcare, research and education so that the whole person is treated.

We want to improve outcomes for patients, staff, service users and carers through:

  1. Proactive identification and assessment of physical, psychological, and social needs of service users
  2. Enhancing or developing holistic services to fully embed a mind and body approach across our partnership
  3. Learning and development to upskill our workforce with the knowledge and confidence to practice whole person care.

Our impact

Our impact on patients is illustrated in a number of case studies:



Since 2016/17, our education and training workstream has seen:

Some of our key highlights since 2018 include:

  • Securing £3.5m of grant income to support projects relating to integrating physical and mental health
  • Starting a significant £1.7m three-year project to improve physical health of mental health service users, aiming to improve pathways and experience of care between mental and physical health settings
  • Signing up to national ‘Equally Well’ collaborative, focused on improving physical health of those with severe mental illness. We hosted a learning event in May 2019 which was rated an average of 4.8 out of 5 by attendees, with 100% of members saying they would highly to recommend an event like this to a colleague. You can read the blog on the Equally Well website here
  • Securing a £40,000 Health Education England (HEE) Workforce grant to empower future leaders of the mental health workforce. This included the Staff Health and Wellbeing Toolkit. Our toolkit launch analysis indicated that 91% of attendees felt more confident in supporting their own or their colleagues’ wellbeing.

Evaluation reports and publications

To request an accessible versions of any of these reports, please contact mindandbody@slam.nhs.uk.

How do we evaluate?

The Mind & Body Programme Team is using an Implementation Science framework to assess the extent to which our interventions and approaches are effective to date.

A Logic Model has been developed as a process for understanding how our efforts and initiatives are designed to work. Existing data that is routinely collected from training courses has been analysed. This includes feedback from the King’s Health Partners Stakeholder Survey (2019), Learning and Development Workforce Survey (2015-2018), and the Staff Health & Wellbeing Toolkit launch event (March 2019) to highlight any gaps in our understanding of our programme activities.

We are proposing to publish the findings of our light touch formative evaluation and recommendations in early 2020. We will shortly publish the full Mind & Body evaluation proposal.

Through the evaluation process, this will enable the Mind & Body Programme Team to optimise intervention benefits, prolong the sustainability of our programme interventions and promote dissemination of findings to support shared learning and understanding which can then be translated into other contexts, perhaps regionally and nationally. It is thought that by conducting initial implementation work, this could lead to future evaluation of Mind & Body approaches.