Resources on mind and body healthcare including patient information and leaflets - as well as staff health and wellbeing guides.

You can also visit our Mind & Body Education and Training page for full details on all available Mind & Body education and training opportunities.

Mind & Body Staff Health and Wellbeing Toolkit

The toolkit offers all staff working across health and care services a collection of resources all in the one place, that they can use to support the mind and body health and wellbeing of their team. It includes wellbeing tips and ideas for teams, bitesize sessions on a variety of topics that can be independently led by teams, as well as information and links to existing resources for all NHS staff and in particular, King’s Health Partners staff. The toolkit has been designed to use electronically and can also be printed for practical use. Download the toolkit.

To request an accessible version of the toolkit, please contact

NHS Employers Staff health and wellbeing 

The NHS Employers Staff health and wellbeing page contains lots of good resources, and also includes a framework through which wellbeing for teams can be organised, and a library of resources.

The Wheel of Well-being

The Wheel of Well-being was designed in 2008 as part of Big Lottery Well London’s programme. It is an ongoing project run in collaboration with the Mental Health Promotion Team at South London and Maudsley NHS Foundation Trust.

Partner Staff Health and Wellbeing Pages

Each of our four partner organisations have health and wellbeing teams, and websites for staff and students - search your intranet for more.

Watch the 60 second mini-series about mind and body healthcare at King's Health Partners, demonstrating the importance of joining up physical and mental healthcare.

60 seconds on mind and body with Dr Sean Cross
Dr Sean Cross, former Clinical Director of the King's Health Partners Mind and Body Programme, explains what the programme seeks to achieve and the current healthcare challenges we need to overcome.

60 seconds on mind and body with Dr Renata Pires
Dr Renata Pires, Consultant Clinical Health Psychologist at Guy's and St Thomas' NHS Foundation Trust, discusses how psychologists are moving away from a model of cure to a biopsychosocial understanding of mental health disorders.

60 seconds on mind and body with Dr Lindsay Ip
Dr Lindsay Ip, Clinical Psychologist at 3 Dimensions for Long Term Conditions (3DLC), King's Health Partners, explains that physical symptoms are not always best explained medically and psychiatric symptoms are not always best explained psychologically. 

60 seconds on mind and body with Dr Alice Ashby
Dr Alice Ashby, Consultant Liaison Psychiatrist at South London and Maudsley NHS Foundation, talks about 'keeping the zebra crossing open' between acute and mental health trusts.

Centre for Mental Health: Co-morbidities - physical health and mental health problems together. The cost to the health system and to wider society of mental health conditions among people with physical illnesses is considerable. By developing a more integrated response to patients' multiple needs, there is scope to both reduce costs and improve care.

The Centre for Mental Health worked with The King's Fund and the London School of Economics to review evidence on the extent of co-morbidities, their impact on the quality and cost of care and the ways in which people with both a long-term condition and a mental health condition could be better supported.

Mind: Physical activity, sport and mental health
Information about why being active is important for mental health and wellbeing, the types of activity to consider, how to overcome barriers, planning a safe routine and ideas for staying motivated.

Positive Practice in Mental Health
A user led multi-agency collaborative of seventy-five organisations, including NHS Trusts, CCGs, Police Forces, third sector providers, front line charities and service user groups. Positive Practice in Mental Health exists to identify and disseminate positive practice in mental health services by working together across organisations and sectors to facilitate shared learning, and to raise the profile of mental health with politicians and policy makers.

King's Fund: Bringing together physical and mental health
This report makes a compelling case for the ‘new frontier’ for integration - bringing together physical and mental health. It gives service users’ perspectives on what integrated care would look like and highlights 10 areas that offer some of the biggest opportunities for improving quality and controlling costs.

King’s Fund: Long-term conditions and mental health: The cost of comorbidities
A report on the impact that comorbid mental and physical conditions have on the costs of healthcare, and the potential for a more integrated approach to save money for the NHS as well as improve outcomes for patients.

NCEPOD (National Confidential Enquiry into Patient Outcome and Death): Treat as One: Bridging the gap between mental and physical healthcare in general hospitals
This is a national report from NCEPOD, authored by King’s Health Partners experts. It found that the failure by general hospitals to integrate physical and mental healthcare services is leading to poor care for patients with a physical illness who also have a mental health condition.

NHS England response to NCEPOD Treat as One report 
Responding to the publication of the above report on mental health care in general hospitals, Professor Tim Kendall, National Clinical Director for Mental Health, NHS England, describes how the NHS is working hard to deliver priorities set out in the Five Year Forward View for Mental Health by changing the way in which mental and physical health have traditionally been viewed and treated.

NHS England: Mental Health Taskforce
Formed in March 2015, the independent Mental Health Taskforce brought together health and care leaders, people who use services and experts in the field to create a Five Year Forward View for Mental Health for the NHS in England. This national strategy, which covers care and support for all ages, was published in February 2016 and signifies the first time there has been a strategic approach to improving mental health outcomes across the health and care system, in partnership with the health system’s arm’s length bodies. An integrated mental and physical health approach is a core element of the five year plan. 

Skills for Health: Mental Health Core Skills Education and Training Framework
This framework for mental health skills development was co-written by Dr Sri Kalidindi, a psychiatrist from South London and Maudsley NHS Foundation Trust, and has a strong focus on mind and body care. Subject 3: Promoting general health and well-being for individuals with a mental health problem was written with input from the Mind & Body Programme, and includes both mental and physical health aspects of wellbeing.

Upcoming Mind & Body Events

King's Health Partners reports and publications

To request accessible versions of any of these reports, please contact