Across our partnership, the 20 May marks an important day – Clinical Trials Awareness Day.
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Prof Graham Lord joins partnership as new Executive Director
4 September 2024
Prof Graham Lord, MA MB BChir PhD FRCP FRSB FMedSci, NIHR Senior Investigator Emeritus, joins King's Health Partners as its new Executive Director.
25 May 2023
24 May 2023KHPeople
Guy’s hospital's consultant surgeon talks about the pioneering robotic kidney donor programme, and how transplantations can transform lives.
24 May 2023News
Dean Holliday of the South East London Integrated Care System updates us on future plans to join up more health and social care information.
10 May 2023KHPeople Women and Children's Health
The obstetric physician and educationalist on the increasing complexity of caring for pregnant women and how she shares her knowledge.
10 May 2023News
Developed by clinicians for clinicians, this tool identifies patients who need onward specialist referral for genomic investigations.
10 May 2023News
Daryl Hagan introduces a soon-to-be launched trial designed to answer questions around stem cell transplant treatments for the disease.
10 May 2023KHPeople Academic Surgery
The Consultant Transplant and Vascular Access Surgeon describes the benefits of working in partnership, and the importance of mentors.
10 May 2023KHPeople
The Professor discusses her enjoyment of learning about research and innovation across KHP, and how an unequal society inspired her.